ASEA Impact

How redox signaling helps cells adapt and respond

How redox signaling helps cells adapt and respond

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Redox Signaling

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Your body is amazing. That’s right. Your body knows exactly how to protect and renew your cells through a process called redox signaling. Redox signaling helps cells communicate with each other and are critical in regulating many essential cellular functions. Learn about how redox signaling activates your genetic pathways and helps your body adjust.

Redox signaling sends out a signal, and your body goes to work

Aging is a complex process that involves a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that lead to a slowdown of cellular processes and the development of age-related conditions.

Your body helps with adjustment by using redox signaling to communicate when something is off with any of your cells. Little redox molecules inside each cell keep your systems up-to-date about how things are going. They send out the alert to fight the bad stuff and replace the old stuff when exposed to oxidative stress.

Boosts the production of antioxidants that support energy metabolism and cell production from oxidative stress.

Redox signaling fights stress and helps the body adapt and respond

The good news is that your body’s redox signaling helps to counteract oxidative stress by activating pathways that produce antioxidants to fight free radicals and enzymes for DNA adjustment.

Through a complex process involving electron transfer between molecules, redox molecules signal antioxidant production that goes to work to immediately fight and break down free radicals to prevent any damage.

Redox signaling then triggers enzymes involved in DNA adjustment. Some of these enzymes mend damage to individual DNA bases, others fix distortions in the DNA helix, while some correct errors in DNA replication. These enzymes work together to help with any DNA damage caused by oxidative stress so your body can function at its best.

Redox signaling slows down as you get older

As we age, our cells accumulate more and more damage to their DNA which can cause mutations and other changes that disrupt normal cellular function. Cells can stop dividing and growing properly, then start to accumulate in your tissues and organs.

Accumulation of cellular waste and changes in the expression of genes that regulate cellular function and metabolism leads to dysfunction and a breakdown in the process. And telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of your chromosomes, shorten with each cell division. As telomeres become shorter, cells lose their ability to divide and regenerate, contributing to aging.

A breakthrough innovation in redox signaling

ASEA® Cell Signaling Supplement improves cellular health and function by providing the same naturally occurring molecules involved in cellular communication and operation.*

Preclinical and clinical studies show that participants who used ASEA® Cell Signaling Supplement every day had significant improvement in several biomarkers of oxidative stress and maintained a healthy inflammatory response due to exercise compared to the placebo group.

Another study showed a change in gene expression abundance in immune system function, cardiovascular function, digestive enzyme production, hormone modulation, and exercise-induced inflammation reduction.

The ASEA® patented process creates these vital redox signaling molecules and enables you to live a life of greater significance, powered by the wellness and vitality you need to explore the limits of your potential.

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